

Cantora - Actriz - Dançarina

36 anos


Visitas totais 75

Características físicas

Altura : 170 cm

Peso : 55 kg

Busto : 86 cm

Cintura : 79 cm

Ancas : 92 cm

Cor dos olhos : Verdes

Cor do cabelo : Castanhos claros

Comprimento do cabelo : Meio-comprido

Tipo de cabelos : Ondulado

Sinais particulares

Olhos: com várias matises de castanho, amarelo, verde e azul
Cabelo: castanho claro, loiro ou ruivo (dependendo das condições atmosféricas)
Línguas em que sou fluente: Português, Francês, Inglês, Espanhol e Italiano

Notas pessoais

Besides my language skills, the experiences I have been through during my entire life, and especially in the last few years, have helped me in developing my ability to communicate and create bonds with people who are different and singular in many senses and to cooperate and react accordingly in so many different circumstances.
I have always loved arts and apart from a lover I have also become a performer, learning everyday from people around me and understanding how important it is to know what you are doing, to push yourself beyond your limits and to get your message across.
Literature (reading and writing) is another passion of mine, as well as Cinema and the entire magical world hidden behind the cameras.
People say I have a gift, to make a difference with my words, to touch people’s hearts with what I say and, particularly, with what I write. I’m also a good listener and I’m usually able to understand other people’s needs and the essence of what they are and what they want. Imagination and motivation are part of my own self. I’m dedicated, self-demanding, smart and interested in, basically, every single thing in the world and those are skills I will surely use in every single work I put myself into.
