Cacá Macedo's Dance Reel

Cacá Macedo's Dance Reel

cacamacedo 02:02 30/05/19

Cacá Macedo's Dance Reel

cacamacedo 02:02
Images by:
Livia Sá from Disequilibrium - Short Film
Lucas Smith from One Extraordinary Day - Human Eye
Lift Festival from One Extraordinary Day - Human Fountain
Streb from Kiss the Air - Human Foutain
Chris Anthony Hamilton from Vide Cor Meum - Video Art
Danielle Villela e Thiago Mattos from Dance in the Burg - Video Art
Group.BR from Infinite While it Lasts - Physical Theater Show
Scuola Teatro Dimitri from Variété Varietà - "Grande première ce soir" - Physical Theater Show
Scuola Teatro Dimitri from Acro Entre - Physical Theater Show
Scuola Teatro Dimitri from Una Semplice Storia - Physical Theater Show

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